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Balancing Hormones for CrossFit Success: Tips for Women

Writer's picture: Coach VictoriaCoach Victoria

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

In this blog post, we'll explore the connection between female hormones and CrossFit performance.

Crossfit coach's body transformation
Crossfit Transformation

As someone who used to struggle with hormonal problems after having kids, dealing with yoyo phases of losing and gaining weight, eating splurges to not eating at all and adapting to what three pregnancies did to my body, I know firsthand how frustrating and challenging it can be to maintain fitness through hormonal changes.

But the good news is that with the right understanding and support, it's possible to stay on track and continue making progress in your CrossFit journey.




In this post, we'll dive into the basics of female hormones and their role in the body, as well as the ways in which hormonal changes can impact CrossFit performance. We'll also discuss practical strategies for adapting workouts and nutrition to support hormonal changes, as well as supplements and other strategies for promoting hormone balance and overall health.

Whether you're dealing with menstrual cycle-related hormonal changes or menopause, this post will provide you with the information and tools you need to maintain your fitness goals and feel your best.

Understanding Hormones

Female hormones play a vital role in the body, regulating a wide range of physiological processes, including growth and development, metabolism, and reproduction.

The primary female hormones are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, and other tissues.

The menstrual cycle is a complex process that typically lasts 28 days, but can range from 21 to 35 days.

During the first half of the cycle, estrogen levels rise, causing the lining of the uterus to thicken in preparation for pregnancy. This is followed by ovulation, when the ovary releases an egg, and progesterone levels rise to support the potential pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels drop, and the uterine lining is shed, resulting in menstruation.

These hormones however are not always released in the proportionate levels due to health factors.


Estrogen for instance when too high can result in heavier periods, weight gain and fibroids. When too low can cause low bone density, insomnia and headaches. Vitamins linked to stabilising estrogen levels are Vitamin C, D and B-Complex.

Progesterone when levels are high can cause water retention, bloating and anxiety. When levels are low, this can cause difficulty in becoming or staying pregnant and causes spotting. Vitamins found to assist in progesterone levels are Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin C.

Menopause is a natural process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive years and is characterized by a decrease in hormone production.

As the ovaries gradually stop producing estrogen or as we near menopause, women may experience a range of symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats and mood changes. These hormonal changes can cause loss of bone density, muscle mass and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

In terms of fitness, hormonal changes can impact performance in a number of ways.

For example, changes in estrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle can affect energy levels, mood, and recovery. Understanding these hormonal changes and their effects on the body is important for female CrossFitters to optimize their training and support overall health.

Hormonal Changes and CrossFit Performance

a chart of Hormonal Changes and CrossFit Performance
Hormonal Changes and CrossFit Performance

Hormonal changes can have a significant impact on CrossFit performance. For example, during the menstrual phase, some women may experience fatigue, mood changes, and decreased motivation, which can make it difficult to perform at their best. Similarly, during the luteal phase, women may experience increased water retention and bloating, which can also impact performance and self confidence.

During menopause, a decrease in estrogen levels can lead to a loss of muscle mass and bone density, which can impact overall strength and performance. It can also lead to increased body fat, which can affect mobility and endurance.

Adapting workouts and nutrition to support hormonal changes is crucial for female CrossFitters to optimize their training and support overall health while maintaining composition. This can involve modifying workouts and duration based on energy levels and symptoms, as well as adjusting nutrition to support hormone balance.

One way is including more healthy fats in the diet which will help support hormone production, also avoiding processed foods and artifitial sugars can assist in reducing inflammation and support overall health.

Seeking support from healthcare professionals can also be beneficial for female CrossFitters experiencing hormonal changes. This may involve working with a doctor or nutritionist to address hormonal imbalances and optimize nutrition.

By adapting workouts and nutrition to support hormonal changes and seeking professional support, female CrossFitters can optimize their training and support overall health and sustain a healthy CrossFit lifestyle while maintaining muscle growth.

Strategies for Maintaining Fitness Through Hormonal Changes

Maintaining fitness through hormonal changes requires a multifaceted approach that involves adapting workouts, adjusting nutrition, and seeking medical advice if necessary. Here are some strategies that can be helpful:

1. Adapt workouts:

During hormonal changes, it may be necessary to adjust the intensity and duration of workouts to accommodate changes in energy levels and symptoms.

For example, during the menstrual phase, it may be helpful to focus on lighter/shorter burst styled workouts coupled with some healthy stretching or mobility work. During the ovulatory phase, it may be a good time to focus on high-intensity/longer workouts incorporating some weight training.

a woman siting peacefully on a carpet
Finding Balance

2. Adjust nutrition:

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of healthy fats, protein, and vegetables can help support hormone balance and overall health.

During hormonal changes, it may be helpful to increase healthy fats like avocados and nuts, which can support hormone production. It may also be helpful to avoid processed foods and excess sugar, which can increase inflammation and exacerbate symptoms.

a cut-up avocado which is a healthy fat
Healthy Fats

3. Seek medical advice:

If hormonal changes are severe or impacting quality of life, it may be helpful to seek medical advice from a endocrinologist and nutritionist.

They can provide guidance on supplements, medications, or dietary changes that can support hormone balance and overall health.

a woman sitting with her eyes closed thinking or praying
Seek medical advice

4. Manage symptoms:

Hormonal changes can cause a range of symptoms, including fatigue, mood changes, inflammation, cravings and hot flashes.

To manage these symptoms, it may be helpful to get enough sleep, practice stress-reducing techniques like stretching and avoid triggers like artificial sugars, alcohol and high acidic foods.

By adopting these strategies, female CrossFitters can maintain fitness and support overall health during hormonal changes. Remember, it's important to listen to the body and understand hormonal changes to ensure safe and effective training.

Hormonal Support for Female CrossFitters

Hormonal support is crucial for female CrossFitters to optimize training and promote overall health. Hormones play a significant role in energy levels, muscle growth and recovery, and overall well-being. Therefore, any imbalances or deficiencies in hormones can significantly impact training and performance.

Supplements can be an effective strategy for supporting hormone balance and overall health. Here are some supplements that can be helpful for female CrossFitters:

Omegs-3, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Zinc, Adaptogenetic herbs

1. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids can help support hormone production and reduce inflammation, which can improve overall health and performance. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.

2. Magnesium: Magnesium plays a crucial role in energy production and muscle function, making it essential for CrossFit performance. It can also help reduce symptoms like cramps and headaches during hormonal changes. Sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

3. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for bone health and can also support hormone balance. It can be obtained through sunlight exposure at best or supplementation.

4. Adaptogenic herbs: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil can help the body adapt to stress and support hormone balance. They can be taken in supplement form or as part of herbal tea blends.

a bowl of chicken and vegetables
High Protein Diet

5.Protein Intake: It is important to include healthy habits of maintaining a balanced diet, but also eating enough protein rich foods.

Protein intake is vital in sustaining muscle mass and aids in energy levels and assists in recovery.

Other strategies for supporting hormone balance and overall health include getting enough sleep, daily water intake and managing stress levels. By supporting hormone balance through supplements, diet and lifestyle changes, female CrossFitters can optimize their training and promote overall health.


2 friends running a race at Freakin Awesome Crossfit
Sustaining a healthy Crossfit lifestyle

In conclusion, hormonal changes can significantly impact CrossFit performance and overall health for female athletes. It can very daunting to manage and understand what is happening to our bodies without external help and knowledge on the process.

It's important to understand the basic biology of female hormones and how they affect the body throughout different stages of life, including menstruation and menopause.

We encourage readers to prioritize their hormonal health and seek support if necessary. If hormonal changes are significantly impacting your quality of life, seeking advice from a doctor or nutritionist can provide guidance on supplements, medications, or dietary changes that can support hormone balance and overall health.

We also encourage readers to share their experiences and strategies for maintaining fitness through hormonal changes. By sharing our experiences and strategies, we can support each other in optimizing our health and achieving our fitness goals.

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